

Café ETCÉTERA, Valencia.


The angel number 136 is a message from the angelic realm that they are looking after your family and home, and that your material needs will be met. Trust in the universe to provide for you and let go of any fears or worries about lack or loss. Your guardian angels and ascended masters are here to support you and help you manifest your desires.

This number encourages you to focus on the positive and to have optimistic thoughts, prayers, and expectations. The more you focus on abundance and prosperity, the more it will come into your life. Your prayers and affirmations will be heard and fulfilled.

The number 136 also encourages you to explore your inner spirituality and to be true to yourself. It’s time to step outside of your comfort zone and to embrace your natural abilities and talents. Listen to your intuition and start new projects with enthusiasm and optimism. The energy of this number brings new beginnings, creativity, responsibility, reliability, honesty, and service into your life.

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40 cm x 50 cm

My Projects

Spotify cover for Me voy
Spotify cover for Sal y Pimienta
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