No.389 ” HIERRO 2 “


Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.


According to the number 389, you are a person with an open mind, optimistic, brave, competent, and determined. You are not afraid of big changes, which allows you to achieve all your life goals. With angels as allies, you have nothing to fear.

The message from the angels is clear: significant changes will occur in your life, positively impacting all its aspects. From now on, you won’t have to worry about finances, you’ll have less exhausting work, and so on. In other words, your guardian angels will take care of your worries, fears, and all your concerns.

The number 389 informs you that soon one aspect of your life will be replaced by something better. Prepare yourself now, as these changes will exceed your expectations. The transition won’t be easy, but you can be sure that your guardian angels will be there to guide you. The angels also want you to learn to trust your intuition, trust yourself if you want to achieve your life goals.

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Spotify cover for Me voy
Spotify cover for Sal y Pimienta
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