El Volander, feat. Andres Quintana Canet, Valencia, 16/03/2023

The first concert featuring talented musician Andres Quintana Canet was organized to celebrate the opening of my art exhibition in the magical venue of El Volander.

The concert was a huge success, with Andres captivating the audience with his soulful voice and original songs. The venue, El Volander, was the perfect setting for the event, with its unique and enchanting atmosphere. The combination of live music and vibrant artwork created a truly unforgettable experience for all who attended.

As the night went on, the owners of the bar approached me about one of my paintings that they had fallen in love with. They expressed their desire to purchase the piece, which was a huge honor for me as an artist. It was an unexpected but welcome surprise, and it made the evening even more special.

Overall, the concert and art exhibition were a wonderful celebration of creativity and talent, bringing together music and visual art in a way that truly inspired and moved everyone who was there. It was a night to remember, and one that I will always cherish.

You can listen to his music on:

Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/artist/747oWzL1dWBa03QAYpddxU?si=isVUFJQySyOt-ZiGwPNTiA, as well as on YouTube at https://youtu.be/fJKK9XTwzDA.

My Projects

Spotify cover for Me voy
Spotify cover for Sal y Pimienta
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